HMG Musician Details

Band Details

Band Name
Lily Sazz
Band Leader:
Lily Sazz
Best Phone #:
Home City:
Musical Genre(s)
Blues, roots, original, piano playing singer songwriter
Tribute Band? For:
Other Info:
Lily Sazz was a long time member of the Women’s Blues Revue Band (10 years as musical director), toured with Canada’s Queen of the Blues, Rita Chiarelli, co-founded and led critically acclaimed bands Trailblazers, Groove Corporation, and Maple Blues Award nominated Cootes Paradise. Lily has recently launched her solo career, featuring herself singing her own compositions. Her live repertoire is a mix of rootsy bluesy originals, with a few interesting covers peppered throughout. She is available solo with piano, or with other instruments such as drums, bass, guitar, etc., where possible and appropriate. Expected release date for Lily's first solo album is late 2025, featuring guests Colin Linden, Darcy Hepner, Trombone Charlotte and more.